18 Dec 2020 We welcome two re-admissions and two new inpatients
Four patients were admitted from Grant Hospital during the course of October at Maria Josefa Recio Unit. Of this number, two were re-admitted due to fault in treatment while the other two were admitted for the first time.
A total of 36 former patients paid follow-up visit during the month. They were all stable, kempt, and well functioning. Some are engaged in small trading while a few earn salaries. A negligible number is without job or business but involved in house chores.
Also, our social work team visited a total of 13 outpatients at their homes. Except for two of them, all were reportedly doing well. Some make their own garden, others sell various goods, while others are involved in soap making, hair plaiting or baking.
Life wouldn’t be away without tough times. With intense passion and sorrow, we regret the death of one of our outpatients. Her death was announced to our social work team when they paid a follow-up visit at her home. Relatives said she died of an undisclosed medical condition. We expressed our deepest condolences to the family and all affected.
At the Unit, life goes on, and routine activities are carried as most of our patients are taken through their paces to remain physically fit and mentally stabilized. We involve all in this era of pandemic and our stance towards it remain a collective fight against the virus. All necessary measures are still in place for all staff, patients and visitors.
We received a courtesy visit from our Provincial Superior, Sr Maria Lourdes Sanz, who paid a visit to Liberia to see how things have gone and share with us experience towards achieving a common goal. It was a short but healthy visit. We appreciated her visit as it’s very life-threatening travelling around the world with Covid at the back of our minds.
As usual, the Unit celebrated with inpatients who witnessed their natal days, in this case respectively on October 13rd and October 30th. Those were happy moments the celebrants internalized and archived.
And this month brought a novelty to us: members of the management team were involved in a project management and fundraising training which was held virtually from Rome. This was to enlighten participants on tips to be considered during projects proposals. Maria Josefa Unit was not left out, and two members were selected to participate in an 8-days training which ended in praise. We believe to be involved in subsequent training to gain more insight.
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