04 Sep 2021 Three new admissions and one re-admission in August
During the month of August, the María Josefa Recio Mental Health Unit of the Saint Benedict Menni Health Center has continued to provide its services both on an inpatient and outpatient basis.
We have received 4 new patients in our Unit, one of whom is a former patient who has been readmitted, and there have been no discharges. There are currently 20 women who remain admitted to our facilities.
Due to compliance with the Covid surveillance protocol and transportation limitations, it has been difficult to make home visits: the team made one home visit to a patient who was abandoned in our residence.
Thirty-four patients passed through our center during August for their respective scheduled follow-up appointment.
This month, Sister Colette conducted a presentation session on the Sisters Hospitallers’ Institutional Identity Framework to the staff of the Saint Benedict Menni Health Center and its mental health unit. Through this action, we convey to our collaborators the values of our Institution, its origins and the central elements of our identity, which we then transfer to our care work.
In addition, last month we received a visit from Sister Monica from the Hospitaller community in Dompoase, Ghana, who spent a brief period with us helping us, and to whom we would like to express our deepest gratitude for her work.
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