08 Jun 2021 Three new admissions an two discharges in may
The María Josefa Recio Mental Health Unit welcomed in May three new patients who had never before passed through our center, and happily said goodbye to two of its residents, who show a significant improvement in their condition and in their ability to develop their life in the community. Three other patients have begun to enjoy provisional discharges known as “trial parole”, in which they enjoy time at home while awaiting their definitive discharge.
Fifty-six former patients have returned to our center for their regular follow-up visits this month, and six have received our follow-up team at their homes. This home visit task has been interrupted this month due to a serious accident suffered by the vehicle used by the team in their travels, which has left the car unusable.
This month we did not have the opportunity to celebrate any birthdays, but our usual routine was pleasantly modified with the visit of representatives of the Salesians of Don Bosco Congregation, led by their Provincial, who had shown their interest in visiting the Saint Benedict Menni Health Center and our specialized Mental Health Unit.
Our guests toured the facilities and talked with our patients, while they learned about the activities we carry out, and encouraged all staff to continue their work on behalf of the most needy and mentally ill people.
During the month of May, our psychoeducation session focused on the specific medication that our patients receive. It is important for them to know what medication they should take, its dosage, its effects and, above all, the importance of not stopping taking it, since it is one of the bases of their rehabilitation.
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