
08 Jun Hundreds of people generously take part in the We Are Like You charity concerts

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Something stirred inside Juan Carlos Irizar upon learning, through Mikel Tellaeche, CEO of the Aita Menni Hospital and former director of Saint Joseph's Catholic Hospital in Monrovia, about the health conditions suffered in Liberia. The Oñati musician continued reading up on the topic and, especially following the outbreak of Ebola, was so shaken by the dire situation of the sick that he decided to use his musical resources for fundraising. It was in this manner that the Charity Concerts in favor of the project "We Are Like You", scheduled from May until November, began. The aim is to contribute to the support of the Benedict Menni Health Center of the Sisters Hospitallers in Monrovia.
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