Participantes en el taller
Participants in the drafting of the Liberian National Substance Use and Addiction Treatment Protocol.

08 Jan Our coordinator invited to help draft National Treatment Protocol for Substance Use and Addiction

The coordinator of the Mental Health Unit at St. Benedict Menni Health Center in Monrovia, Ato Kwamena Sagoe, was recently invited to be part of a group of professionals who, in a three-day workshop, drafted and revised the National Protocol for the Treatment of Substance...

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03 Jan Farewell to four employees

During the last days of 2023, as it has been known for some months prior, four employees who have worked tirelessly over the last decade saw their time to return home for retirement. It was a bittersweet moment to see persons whom we have shared professional...

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Una paciente confecciona una funda

12 Nov Mental Health Day

This year's Mental Health Day was celebrated on 10 October under the slogan "Mental health is a universal human right", which emphasised the need for affordable, accessible and quality health care for people suffering from mental illness. To mark the occasion, the Unit organized a week...

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Varios niós y niñas africanos sonríen a la cámara

23 Oct Congratulations, Mary´s Meals!

Mary's Meals, an international NGO that fights child hunger in 18 underprivileged countries, including Liberia, has been awarded the 2023 Princess of Asturias Award for Concord. Mary's Meals provides meals to nearly 2.5 million children every day, and it does so in schools, which has a...

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