27 Aug The Aita Menni Hospital and the Saint Benedict Menni Health Center sign a brotherhood agreement

Aita Menni Hospital from Spain and the Saint Benedict Menni Health Center of Monrovia, Liberia, signed past August 15th an agreement with sets formal bonds of brotherhood between both centers and will be the cornerstone for the launching of the new Saint Benedict Menni Mental Health Center and the improving of services at the current Saint Benedict Menni Health Center.
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07 Jan The Saint Benedict Menni Health Center will have a new solar power system

The Saint Benedict Menni Health Center in Monrovia, Liberia, has started procedures to set up a system for solar power production and accumulation, which will allow for covering most of the energy needs in the compound along with the current diesel generator. Now, all buildings in Sisters Hospitallers´ facility in Pipeline –Health Center, Sisters´ House, warehouse and guest house, and Step Down Unit– get electric power from a diesel generator which is started only two times a day, due to high fuel costs. The rest of the time, facilities can´t get energy supply, because the current solar panels system is damaged and obsolete.
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20 Dec A delegation from Hospital Aita Menni visits Monrovia

A group of representatives of Spain´s Hospital Aita Menni visited Monrovia from December 2nd to 10th to take part in the 50th Anniversary of the arrival of Sisters Hospitallers to Liberia. The delegation was headed by Sr. Monserrat Esparza, Superior of the Community of the Hospital, and included Aita Menni´s CEO and Head of Health Programs at the Saint Benedict´s Menni Health Center in Monrovia Mikel Tellaeche, responsible of the Voluntary Service Egoitz Zabala, psychologist Macarena Aspiunza, occupational therapist Selene Vélez and volunteers Amaia Ribera and Cecilia Álvarez.
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19 Dec Sisters Hospitallers celebrate the 50th anniversary of their arrival to Liberia

It was December 26th when the first community of Sisters Hospitallers was settled in Virginia, an outer area of Monrovia, Liberia. Four women, four sisters, brought the seed of hospitality to that fertile land that soon embraced them. They were Sr. María Jesús Núñez (R.I.P.), Sr. Carmen Lasa, Sr. Consuelo Zazpe and Sr. Clotilde Elvira who, sheltering orphans and abandoned children, embodied those words from that our founder María Josefa Recio said to the first sisters then, and now to all of us, "be charitable with them... and be like real mothers for them".

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