03 Dec 2019 Ausolan donates EUR 18,000 to We Are Like You. Thank you!
Ausolan, one of the main catering and cleaning companies in Spain, made a generous donation of EUR 18,000 to We Are Like You, becoming the most important private benefactor of our mental health project for women in Liberia, Africa.
Ausolan is a project founded in 1969 by 17 women of Arrasate-Mondragon, the village where Hospital Aita Menni is settled. As opposed to the custom on those days, after getting married, these women decided to keep on working. With the help of priest Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta, forefather of the co-operative movement and founder of Mondragon Group, they established a co-operative company and began to offer cooking and cleaning services, activities that let them work and take care of their family at the same time, and were acceptable in their social environment on those times.
Today, 50 years after, Ausolan is the main company in its field in Spain amongst those with 100% national ownership, and it´s amongst the first three in absolute terms. It employs 13,000 people, 95% of them women, and gives 10% of their results to more than 100 social projects. Now, We Are Like You is one of them.
In order to show the importance for the role that Ausolan support has for We Are Like You, we painted the company logo in one of the walls of Maria Josefa Recio Unit.
Many, many thanks, Ausolan!
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