28 Aug 2017 A team from Aita Menni Hospital arrives to Monrovia to start preparing the assistance activity
On the occasion of the next start of the Step Down Unit program, sponsored by the Ministry of Health, the National Catholic Health Council and the Saint Benedict Menni Health Center, a team of Aita Menni Hospital composed by its CEO, Mikel Tellaeche, psichiatrist Marta Menéndez and nurse Cecilia Alvarez moved to Monrovia to start with the preparations prior to the beginning of the assistance activity.
We met with the Grant Hospital, the only psychiatric center in the country with few human and technical resources, to try to establish the inclusion criteria to refer patients to the Benedict Menni Mental Health Center within the Step Down Unit program. The Grant was represented by Mrs. Mamuyan M Cooper –Director–, the NCHC was represented by Mrs. Mary Bropleck –Executive Director–, Sr. Florence Adevor Superior of Monrovia´s Sisters House and representatives of Aita Menni Hospital.
We also had the opportunity to meet with the Ministry of Health, where the Memorandum of Understanding was signed for the development of the Step Down Unit program at Saint Benedict Menni Center.
Dr. Samsom K. Arzoaquoi –Assistant Minister, Preventive Services– chaired the meeting, accompanied by Angie Tarr, Coordinator of the Technical Mental Health Coordination Committee. On behalf of NCHC attended by Sr. Barbara Brilliant and Mary Bropleck. Dr. Arzoaquai gave an emotional welcome to the two Aita Menni professionals who are going to move to Monrovia thanking them first for their decision to come, their devotion and also asked them to be patient when trying to bring two very different realities closer, but both very necessary for the improvement of health services in Liberia.
After the meeting we had the opportunity to greet Minister Bernice T. Dahn, who showed her gratitude to Sisters Hospitallers for the effort and collaboration in the development of mental health programs.
Finally, we had the chance to meet with The Carter Center in Liberia for mental health training programs. We were with Dr. Janice Cooper, Director of Mental Health Projects, and have the opportunity to know about their training programs, where we can collaborate well with their students or participate through our professionals displaced to Liberia.
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