Sor Idilia Maria Moreira G. Carneiro

23 May 2024 We have a new General superior and new Councillors!

It is with great joy that we share with you that the Chapter Assembly, encouraged by the Holy Spirit, has elected the new Superior General of the Congregation of the Sisters Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Sr Idília Maria Moreira G. Carneiro.

Sr Idília was born in Mozambique in 1966. She joined the Congregation in 1984. She has a degree in Social Work from the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences in Lisbon (1988 – 1993). She has a master’s degree in Spirituality and Ethics in Health (1997 – 2000) and a postgraduate degree in Human Resources Management (2004).

Her hospitaller experience has been in the field of management and accompaniment of the hospitaller mission and in the animation of the Province and the Communities.


Consejeras del Gobierno General de Hermanas Hospitalarias

Sr Idilia will be accompanied and assisted in her duties by the Counsellors:

From the English Province, we would also like to thank Sr Anabela, her predecessor, for her hard and inspiring work over the last 12 years, as well as outgoing Counsellors  Sr María Esther Berruete Lanz and Sr Leontine Judith Ngo Mbock.

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