26 Jan 2021 The Nuncio visits our center
During the Christmas celebration, the Centre received a courtesy visit from the office of the Very. Rev. Fr Dagoberto Campos Salas, the Nuncio of the Catholic church to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Gambia ,who was accompanied by Rev.Fr. Dennis Nimene, secretary general of the Bishop’s conference of Liberia. They were received warmly by the Sisters and accompanied them to the Centre where they prayed, made merry and shared words of encouragement to the inmates.
In January, a workshop was organized by the Archdiocesan Catholic Health Secretariat for staff from both the medical health centre and the mental unit on Effective Communication. This provided personnel’s with acquired knowledge to be efficient and productive at work, more also aiming at the Hospitaller values. It was participated by many.
Since the emergence of the Novel Corona virus-19, meetings have been held virtually as a health protocol to minimize its spread. During this month, we were engaged in the monthly Technical Coordinators Committee (TCC) meetings where various representatives from all recognized Mental Health organizations in Liberia to deliberate on matters arising.
The National Catholic Health Council (NCHC) continued their support to the St. Benedict Menni Health Centre by donating hygiene materials to both the clinic and the Centre to help protect against the virus. Gowns, gloves, methylated spirits, face masks and shields amongst others. We appreciate their continued support and affiliation towards our facilities and providing a therapeutic environment for staff and patients.
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